Knowledge to Achieve . . .

SAT Vocabulary Study Cards

Whether you take the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) exam or not, having a good understanding of SAT vocabulary is essential if you plan to study at the university level in the United States.

Is it important to study SAT vocabulary for the new revised SAT exam that will be given after March 2016 ?

YES.  If you are taking the test before March 2016, vocabulary is critical in two out of three sections – the Critical Reading section, and the Writing section.  That is why SAT prep programs like Kaplan and Princeton Review continue to focus on vocabulary.  After March 2016, the SAT exam will concentrate on relevant words in context.  It will concentrate on tier II words.  Tier II words are words of high utility that appear frequently in written text across a variety of domains and are not usually acquired from normal conversation.  Gone will be the more obscure words.

As stated by the College Board: “students will encounter words in challenging passages and must read and understand them in context” (link).  A good understanding of tier II words is very important in the SAT Reading test, SAT Writing and Language test, and the SAT Essay.

The K-ware SAT Exam/University Level Vocabulary study card software has been developed to help meet this new testing environment.


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